Self Managed Super Funds
Kira More uses Class Super, a specialised cloud-based software, for its SMSF accounting and administration. Our services included in the standard packages described below are:
Preparation of the annual financial statements
Preparation of the income tax return
Preparation of the annual trustee documents
Liaising with the auditor for the annual audit. We work with Assured Super of Kew. Their fees are charged to you direct at no mark up.
Obtaining the actuarial certificate when required. We work with Accurium and their fees are charged to you direct at no mark-up.
Meeting with you annually and where appropriate, touching base with you prior to financial year-end to address any pertinent year-end planning matters.
Cash and Term Deposits; and
Share Portfolio of up to 20 holdings; or
Properties (up to 2 properties)
SUPER-BASIC: $1,200 p.a.
This package only caters to funds with Cash and Term Deposits ONLY.
BASIC-SHARES: $1,500 - $1,800 p.a.
This package caters to fund with Cash, Term Deposits plus a Share Portfolio of up to 10 holdings. For funds which are either in Accumulation or Pension phase, the fee is $1,500 p.a. For mix-phased funds, the fee is $1,800 p.a.
BASIC-PROPERTY: $1,500-$1,800 p.a.
Similar to BASIC-SHARES. This caters to fund with less than 2 properties.
This is primarily the same as the BASIC Packages except that there can be a mixture of the following investments.
Cash and Term Deposits;
Share Portfolio of up to 20 holdings;
Properties (up to 2 properties);
Fixed Interest Products (up to 10 holdings).
$2,400 p.a. for funds that are either in Accumulation of Pension phase.
$3,600 p.a. for mixed-phased funds.
For larger investments portfolios, properties that require Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements, more complex investments such as having an interest in a partnership, joint venture or unit trust that owns or develops properties, please contact us to discuss so that we can make an assessment of the costs associated with your fund.