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Self Managed Super Funds

Kira More uses Class Super, a specialised cloud-based software, for its SMSF accounting and administration.  Our services included in the standard packages described below are:

  • Preparation of the annual financial statements

  • Preparation of the income tax return

  • Preparation of the annual trustee documents

  • Liaising with the auditor for the annual audit.  We work with Assured Super of Kew.  Their fees are charged to you direct at no mark up.

  • Obtaining the actuarial certificate when required. We work with Accurium and their fees are charged to you direct at no mark-up.

  • Meeting with you annually and where appropriate, touching base with you prior to financial year-end to address any pertinent year-end planning matters.


$1,200 - $1,800 pa


Cash and Term Deposits; and

Share Portfolio of up to 20 holdings; or

Properties (up to 2 properties)

SUPER-BASIC: $1,200 p.a.

This package only caters to funds with Cash and Term Deposits ONLY.

BASIC-SHARES: $1,500 - $1,800 p.a.

This package caters to fund with Cash, Term Deposits plus a Share Portfolio of up to 10 holdings. For funds which are either in Accumulation or Pension phase, the fee is $1,500 p.a. For mix-phased funds, the fee is $1,800 p.a.

BASIC-PROPERTY: $1,500-$1,800 p.a.

Similar to BASIC-SHARES. This caters to fund with less than 2 properties.


$2,000 - $3,600 pa


​This is primarily the same as the BASIC Packages except that there can be a mixture of the following investments.


Cash and Term Deposits;

Share Portfolio of up to 20 holdings;

Properties (up to 2 properties);

Fixed Interest Products (up to 10 holdings).

$2,400 p.a. for funds that are either in Accumulation of Pension phase.

$3,600 p.a. for mixed-phased funds.



For larger investments portfolios, properties that require Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements, more complex investments such as having an interest in a partnership, joint venture or unit trust that owns or develops properties, please contact us to discuss so that we can make an assessment of the costs associated with your fund.

  • Kira More Pty Ltd ABN 63 772 537 284 is a CPA Practice.

  • Click here to read or download our General Terms of Engagement

  • All prices referred to in this website are quoted net of GST.

  • © Kira More Pty Ltd 2019

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