At Kira More we are committed to giving you - the client - some certainty on our fee and service levels. This is why we have moved away from the traditional accountants' pricing model, based strictly on hourly rates.
Our pricing for individuals is based on 'typical' scenarios and is best described in the examples below. If you believe your circumstances are different please contact us. We can then make an assessment of your requirements and discuss the level of fees and services you can expect from us. Adhoc advice is charged on a hourly basis.
Employment Income Only
John is young and ambitious. His employment income has increased tremendously over the past year and he is over doing his own tax return and prefers that it be done by a professional. He knows he will be in for bigger things soon but for now, he just wants to be assured that his tax is optimised and there’s someone there to speak to on his financial matters and plans. Other than his employment income, John has employee shares and interest from a savings account.
John has a partner, Sally and she too only has employment income. John and Sally would like to have their tax returns done together.
Employment Income with
an Investment Property
Amelia is in her early 30s and has a successful career. She recently bought an investment property with a mortgage and leased the property out using a rental agent.
add Partner / Spouse
John and Sally, both employed individuals, have recently purchased an investment property. The property is on a mortgage and leased out using a rental agent.
Employment Income with
small freelancing income
Janet runs yoga classes in addition to holding down a part-time administration position. She keeps her freelance business books pretty much in spreadsheets. She provides a summary of her income and expenses at the end of the year for her tax return. At this stage of her business, she does not want to use any accounting software.
Business Sole-traders
Janet’s yoga classes have become quite popular after a year of hard work building a following. She left her part-time job and have started to sell yoga merchandise that she sources from overseas in addition to holding yoga classes. She is building an online store and would like to have her own brand of yoga gear one day. Janet has set up her books on Xero (cloud-based software). She would like to continue trading as a Sole Trader at least for another year before deciding on another more appropriate structure.