Estimating the cost of servicing business clients can be as difficult as trying on clothes that only come in 3 sizes – S, M and L. We have provided examples below to give you a feel of our fee structure. As part of our process of getting a client on board, we will discuss with you in depth to work out the level of service you require. With that understanding, we will provide you with our fee estimates and scope of engagement for approval.
Our experience tells us that this process provides a level of certainty with fees, therefore leaving you, the client and us to focus more on what needs to be done.
Example - You are on top of your record-keeping and financial systems and/or your volume of transactions are fairly low. Your banking transactions are less than 50 lines in a quarter. You only want to touch base with us once every quarter, at most.
-Update your books for the quarter.
-Lodge your quarterly tax obligations with the ATO, if required.
-Touch base with you.
All work related to the full year financial statements and tax-returns.
Example 1 - Your business has a high volume of transactions and you have an in-house admin or bookkeeping support. You do not require us to do the bookkeeping but require us to visit you every quarter to review the financials and touch base, generally.
Example 2 - Your business has regular volume of transactions and you require assistance in reconciling them. You require us to work with you to reconcile the books every quarter.
QUARTERLY $300 - $800
-Update your books for the quarter.
-Lodge your quarterly tax obligations with the ATO, if required.
-Quarterly meeting with you.
All work related to the full year financial statements and tax-returns.
Example - Your business has a relatively high volume of transactions and although you have admin personnel taking care of the day-to-day matters such as Accounts Payable, Receivables and Payroll, you require our more hands on involvement in reconciling your books. More contact with and support from us is expected.
QUARTERLY $800 and above
-Update your books for the quarter.
-Lodge your quarterly tax obligations with the ATO, if required.
-Quarterly meeting with you.
All work related to the full year financial statements and tax-returns.